Unusual Attraction, 2005
drypoint on plastic
8.5"x5" (image)
Transitions Portfolio, image #8 of 12
Portfolio Value: $1,200
Burlington City Arts' 2010 Fine Art Auction is Sunday, June 27, 5-8pm (bidding begins at approximately 6pm). Proceeds benefit BCA's Firehouse Gallery.
The auction will be held at a beautiful private home in Shelburne, Vermont (with food generously provided by Shelburne Farms and other local food purveyors!).
If you would like to place a proxy (absentee) bid* on an item in the auction or if you have questions about the artwork, please contact Jessica Dyer at 802.865.7554 or jdyer@ci.burlington.vt.us
*Proxy bids will be accepted by phone or email at the contacts given above until 5pm on Friday, June 25th. After Friday's deadline and up until the auction begins, you may try the following phone number with questions or to place a bid: 802-310-2696. Please note that bidding increments are $25. Values listed are for reference only and reflect an item's approximate retail market value if one could be determined.
If you would like to attend the auction or for general questions, please contact Iona Woolmington at 802.865.5816 or iwoolmington@ci.burlington.vt.us There is a suggested donation of $50 to attend the event and availability is limited.
Learn more about BCA -- visit BurlingtonCityArts.com